
The Sunshine Blogger Award #1

I was really happy to find out that I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thank you to @nsfordwriter for the nomination. (First of all, let me just say that the first question took up as much time as the last 10) So here it goes:

The rules for the award are:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate (at least) 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

line-break1. What’s your talent? (everyone’s got at least one!)

Hmmm, lol what is talent? If I have to say I had one I guess it would be identifying songs. If I can’t detect who sang it, I’ll use the very resourceful internet to find songs based off one single line that I remember hearing, or worst comes to worst, sing to my Shazam app. You don’t want to hear me sing, though.

2. Do you read more e-books or print books?

Currently, I’m reading a lot more e-books. I mostly squeeze in reading time on my way to school, so it’s a lot more convenient reading from my phone. I do have a bunch of TBR prints collecting dust on my shelf though 😛

3. Favourite fairytale character?

You’d think that after gushing over fairytale retellings for the past year, I would have a better sense of who my favourite fairytale character is. Though I guess I’ll say the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.

4. Place you’d most like to visit:

This is a no-brainer for me: Iceland

5. What do you usually have for breakfast?

Either oatmeal (don’t judge) or scrabbled eggs.

6. A celebrity you would really like to meet:

I would love to get a picture with Matt Damon (He’s such a prolific actor)

7. Something that makes you laugh:

Watching Youtube gets me laughing the most. Either cat videos or Superwoman or Cyprien.

8. If you could time travel, which historical period would you go to?

Would it be risky if I said the Roaring 20s? I’m really an introvert, but I would love to see all the extravagant parties they held. You’d think reading the Great Gatsby should have warned me enough, but I have to go see it for myself.

9. The book you have read the most times:

Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Going back and forth between English and French.

10. Favourite thing about blogging: 

Blog hopping and doing tags like these! I also finding new books to add to my TBR.

11. Sun or moon?

Moon. At least I can stare at it 😛 But really, I think that the night has a sort of tranquillity that doesn’t really happen in the day.


Here are my questions!

  1. Why inspired you to start blogging?
  2. Favourite book genre?
  3. What was the earliest book you remember reading?
  4. Which book character are you?
  5. What superpower would you want to have?
  6. Favourite book-to-film adaptations?
  7. What is your favourite quote?
  8. Where in the world do you want to travel?
  9. What fictional world would you want to visit?
  10. Current favourite song?
  11. Sunset or sunrise?


I nominate:

@bookwormmuse, @bookdragonism, @flowersinthebrain, @taleoutloud, @hannalovesbooks, @ishouldreadthat, @wordsgremlin, @fragilebrokenfeels, @booksanddachshunds, @sapientreader, @ambivertwords, @kalinareads


Thought, ideas, comments? Let me know down below!

10 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award #1

  1. Really great answers! Nothing weird about oatmeal, oats do fill you up. I usually have 2 boiled eggs and a satsuma for breakfast. That’s a useful skill you’ve got, identifying songs. I think the 20s would be very interesting to visit too. Let’s hope you meet Doctor Who at some point and then you can visit 😉

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